Monday, December 8, 2008

“O what a peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear

 all because we do not carry every thing to God in prayer!”

On Saturday I woke up to a blistering snowy day. But as the snow fell I baked the “best” cookie recipe I could find on the net (molasses cookies!!) and frosted vegan cupcakes (not as good as the cookies but close). This was all after 3 days of nonstop work, of purging my closets and turning my basement in to a vintage store for a Garage sale A blizzard promptly set in, and it systematically snowed all Friday and all threw Saturday. Well God works in mysteries way’s with out a doubt. 9 people braved the snow to stop by the house. It was good in a way because I was able to talk to the people that came and it was so good to see some of my friends with out having to leave the house. It was a cozy day in, of baking.  I had some lovely people who gave me support who stayed almost the entire time! It was lovely to chat with them and pizza was made and eaten all as the snow fell all around. It was good to explain to people what I was doing and after working at home for the past few months it was actually strange to talk so much and was a good preparation to a life that will involve lodes of talking (which is hard for most to imagine of me:)

             So this is where God works in mysterious ways. I was having a lovely time just relax and enjoying the people how came. All this time I was trying not to think of all the work I had don, and how so few people had come to the Sale. But at the end of the day I sat down to count the money which I had not even looked at. I prayed and opened the box where I had put every thing that was given to me that day, and as I counted “God winked” at me (as a friend called it). There was roughly enough for a one way ticket and later I remembered I had some money that was given to me previously that would exactly cover the cost!!! With this and the reflections of the conversations I had was so uplifting to my soul. It was very elating to see how God had used just a few people to help me so much, even people I didn’t even know!!

 But now that that elation is over there is the ever present well what now? As there seems to be only more obstacles looming, but in all this it maybe I just need to learn how to rely more fully on God, But as that good old song goes:

Is there trouble any where? We should never be discouraged Take it to the lord in prayer …. Jesus knows our every weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer….in his arms He’ll take and shield thee, thou wilt find a solace there

  ………………so hear it goes

                                        and lets hope this works.

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